
9 months

Unbelievable! Anna is 9 month old now. She can crawl like she is on fire, she can turn the pages in her books, she can say "uh-oh" and does so appropriately. She is amazing. She is into everything and it is amazing to watch her little wheels turning as she tries to figure out what does what. The other day she was trying to get the plug out of her tub with the tub toys, one at a time she was rubbing them over the plug to see if one would open it! She is pulling herself up and if you hold her hands and coax her forward she will take little steps. Here is a picture from yesterday, her "Glamor shots."
We are having so much fun with her right now! Dillon is enjoying his new job at our church! He is loving his time with the you adult guys he gets to hang out with on Wednesday morning. They had a super cool graduation party for all the graduating seniors, there was a nacho bar and 2 way rocking bands...I felt VERY OLD! The music was loud and I did not understand one word and I had to sit on the lawn far away so Anna did not damage her ears :) How times change. Here is a pic from Father's day of the 3 of us.
Anna is still hanging out with her very loving grandmothers while I am at work 3 days a week. It has been great for her, I am excited she will have such a close relationship with them as she grows. When she is with my mom she gets to play with her cousin who is almost exactly one year older than her. They play with the wagon a lot.

I know she is getting plenty of hugs!

And plenty of age appropriate toys!

Here are just a few parting picutures of Anna's best faces!

Love to all! Where ever you are, we love you and look forward to our next time together!

A parting shot: